We're now partnering with RealPage Vendor Credentialing and OpsTechnology to provide you with a seamless vendor setup.

Becoming an approved vendor is a two part process. It begins with enrollment with RealPage Vendor Credentialing. The second part is to enroll with OpsTechnology for managed catalogs or electronic invoicing.
RealPage Vendor Credentialing


Registering for RealPage Vendor Credentialing includes the following steps:


Ops Technology oversees supplier tracking, approval and documentation processes.  When you join Ops Technology you will be eligible to process new orders from properties, send your invoices electronically, and ensure billing efficiency.

Decide which option works best for your company.

Click Register under each option below for more details, including pricing.

Managed Catalog Electronic Invoice
Catalog of products/services
Electronic orders
Electronic invoices
Category types that are a great fit MRO supplies

Paint supplies


Carpet cleaning

Office supplies

Appliance sales

Pest control services

Landscaping services

Construction services

Appliance repairs

HVAC services

Apartment locators

Credit Card required at registration
Vendor billed by credit card
Select the link to complete registration


How long does it take a vendor to become approved by RealPage Vendor Credentialing?

This depends on how quickly the vendor and/or insurance agent can provide the correct and necessary documentation. In many cases, the process takes less than 48 hours.

Does this process apply to new vendors only or does it apply to all vendors?

With respect to insurance coverage, permit and license requirements there is no difference between your existing vendors and new vendors.

Am I going to be paid faster?

Yes! Our deployment requires each community to transact business within their budget, or through individual management exceptions.

I (vendor) don’t receive electronic orders now. How is this going to work?

Email. When an online order has been placed by a property that you work with you will receive an email notification from the Marketplace telling you that an order has been placed. You will then login to the OpsTechnology site and confirm that you can fulfill the order that has been placed. Once you have completed the service or fulfilled the shipment you can invoice back to the property through the website.

I don’t have an electronic catalog. How is this going to work?

You’ll receive every assistance from OpsTechnology to get online. OpsTechnology has many different catalog templates based on what type of services you provide to the properties. The templates are just used as a guide for the services you might offer. Once you have filled out the template you will send it back to catalogs@opstechnology.com. The OpsTech catalogs team will then work to get the catalog up and running for the properties to begin online purchasing.

What about special orders?

More special assistance from OpsTechnology. It really depends on the vendor but we can always setup some special order handling on the online catalog for any supplier that requests it. OpsTechnology currently works with large maintenance and repair suppliers who have a special order configuration in place. This setup does not introduce special costs for you.